Before starting any work ensure the Motorcycle is securely tied into a bike hoist or lift.

Step 1.
Raise the motorcycle so the that the back wheel is off the bench.
Place a second Jack under the back wheel to support the wheel (see photo below).
Remove the OE shocks, keeping OE rear shoulder bolts & washers.


Step 2. Cleaning & Inspecting
Before fitting the Shocks, inspect both of the rear Bolts & front Shock bushes.
Thoroughly clean the Shock Bolts & coat the Bolts and Shock Ends with Anti-Seize or Grease?
Apply Locktite to Threads. (See photo below).


Step 3. Fitting The Shocks
Install your SAS Air Suspension kit with the flat side facing down towards the ground.
Fit the rear Shock Bolts first, allowing the Shock to hang down. Do not fully tighten the bolts just yet.
Route your Wiring Loom over the Frame Rail to the outside of the bike.
Note: Do not go over & infront of the Cross Member, keep wiring on the rear side of the Cross Member. (See photos below)


Raise the front of the Shock up & fit the 2 supplied M12 Bolts. Apply Locktite to the Threads.
Tighten the rear Shock Bolts to 121-136 ft-lbs.
Tighten the front Shock Bolts to 50-55 ft-lbs.
The rear Shock Bolt will have a gap between the head of the Bolt & Shock End – Do not Shim this gap.  This is designed to stop Shock bind.

Tighten the front & rear Shock Bolts to 121-136 ft-lbs.
The front & rear Shock Bolt will have a gap between the head of the Bolt & Shock End – Do not Shim this gap.  This is designed to stop Shock bind.

Route the Wiring Loom along the Frame Rail & up to the Battery location at the back right hand side of the Battery area you will find a small hole to route the Wiring through, secure Wiring Loom to Frame (See photos below).The rear Shock Bolt will have a gap between the head of the Bolt & Shock End – Do not Shim this gap.  This is designed to stop Shock bind.


Secure Tie Wiring Loom to the Oil Tank line or OE Wiring Loom using a Cable Tie.
Ensure the Wiring Harness is clear of all moving parts & will not get crimped, pinched or caught in any location.

Position the Filter/Breather just in front of the Battery where the Filter won’t get wet or suck in dirty air.

Step 4. Fitting The Handle Bar Switch

Remove the old OE Clutch Clamp.
Install your SAS Handle Bar Switch using OE Bolts as shown in the image below.


You can route the Wiring 1 of 2 ways;
Either down the inside of the Handle Bars with OE Wiring – if your Hand Control Wiring is already inside of the Bars (to do this you will need to unpick the Electrical Plug)
You can run the Wiring down your Handle Bars & Cable Tie the Wiring to the Bars.

Route the rest of the Wiring down under the Gas/Petrol tank towards the Battery location.
Handle Bar wiring is long enough for up to 20inch Bars. Depending on your Bar size you may have excess Wiring. This Wiring can be secured safely under the Gas/Petrol tank – see image below.


Step 5. Wiring Harness

Remove the Fuse from the Fuse Holder.
Connect the Red Positive Wire to the Positive Terminal on the Battery.
Connect the Negative Terminal to the Frame Ground.
Connect the Male Bar Switch Plug to the Female Wiring Harness Plug then,
Connect the Female Plug from the Air Ride unit to the Male Wiring Harness Plug.
Reinstall the Fuse & check the Handle Bar Switch & Suspension is working correctly.
Push the Top Button to raise the bike.
Push the Bottom Button to lower the bike.

Step 6. Clearance & Safety

Before riding the bike;
Please check that when the bike is either fully lowered or raised to maximum height that there is no clearance issues & nothing rubs anywhere ie. Wheel to Guard or Frame.

Step 7. Setting your Suspension & Riding

SAS Air Suspension is designed to be able to be ridden at any height at anytime if installed correctly
ie. You can ride completely aired out or at full height to maintain maximum ground clearance, this can also be adjusted while riding to suit the riding conditions.
Every rider will have their own set height they prefer, this is generally something you will find while riding.
We recommend when first getting use to Air Suspension to raise the bike to full height before riding, sit on the bike and the Suspension should sag down about 3/4 – 1inch with your weight on the bike, if it doesn’t go down you have too much pressure in the Shocks. Simply press the Bottom Button to release some pressure to find your “sweet spot”.
If the bike sags down too much, you simply don’t have enough pressure – press & hold the Top Button for another 5-10 seconds until you find a pressure that’s good for you.

Step 8. Time to Ride

Depending on the road conditions, adjust your suspension while riding to find your “sweet spot”. Keep in mind the lower it is, the harder the Suspension may feel & the easier your Footpegs & Exhaust may scrape.
If you’re riding through twisty roads & around the mountains raise your Suspension up to gain maximum clearance.
Note: Just make sure you don’t over pressurize the kit – don’t worry it will not hurt the Suspension in any way but it may feel a little rigid. We recommend raising the Suspension to full height & having a little bounce on the Seat to feel how the Suspension rebounds with your weight.


Remember to take photos of your bike with your SAS Air Suspension fitted & tag us on Facebook & Instagram using:


We love to be able to share your bike!

For any further questions or concerns please call or email us:

02 4954 4436 (Australian Eastern Standard Time)